About Peter Cellarius

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My Story

Welcome to my counseling practice. I’m Peter Cellarius, a licensed marriage and family therapist (#121347) with a mission to help you find fulfillment and joy in your life. If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or other challenges, I’m here to support you.

As a therapist, I work with individuals, couples, and families to navigate difficult emotions and find a path toward growth and healing. My training includes Somatic Experiencing (SEP certified), Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples (EFT) and for Individuals (EFIT, both certified), Compassionate Inquiry (CI), Internal Family Systems (IFS Level 2), ACT (advanced), 'The Work' by Byron Katie, PACT, EMDR, AEDP, and MI. I’ll work with you to find the approach that’s right for your needs.

Before I became a therapist, I spent many years in high-tech executive roles. But I realized that money and success weren’t enough to make me happy. I felt a calling to help others overcome their pain and challenges, and that’s why I became a therapist.

If you’re ready to take the first step towards a more fulfilling life, I invite you to contact me for a free consultation. Let’s explore the possibilities and find the path that’s right for you.

"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second-best time is now."

-Chinese Proverb-

My Education & Experience

In my therapeutic practice, I prioritize creating a safe and empathetic space for all clients. I believe that healing begins from within, and I emphasize a "bottom-up" approach in therapy - a perspective that values the body's innate wisdom and its capacity to inform the mind. Techniques like Somatic Experiencing (SE) and Internal Family Systems (IFS) are central to this perspective, helping clients connect with their embodied experiences and inner resources. For me, therapy is a collaborative journey. I integrate a range of evidence-based techniques, ensuring that clients feel seen, heard, and empowered. I am dedicated to lifetime learning to become better and better at serving you, my client. This includes my own ongoing personal therapy, because we are all travelers on the path.

  • Masters in Counseling, Palo Alto University
  • Certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP)
  • Certified Emotionally Focused Couples Therapist (EFT)
  • Certified Emotionally Focused Individual Therapist (EFIT)
  • Certified Implicit Psychotherapy Practitioner
  • Level 2 Internal Family Systems Therapist (IFS)
  • Level 1 Psychobiological Approach to Couples Counseling (PACT)
  • Advanced Acceptance & Commitment Therapist (ACT)
  • Advanced Motivational Interviewing Counselor (MI)
  • Level 1 Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)
  • Intensive Fundamentals, Ericksonian Hypnosis
  • Level 1 EMDR Certificate Completed

“Life isn’t about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself.”

– George Bernard Shaw –

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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